Wow. I’m a bit of a procrastinator. I just checked all the “drafts” I have in my blogging folder, and some are from over two years ago! Shame on me. And I call myself a writer. LOL But that’s not why I’m writing this to you today. And, yes, it’s today, April 5, 2016. Today, I’m going on a rant. I’m also going to talk to you about how you can follow my example to attain self-actualization, as well as all of the things I’ve accomplished since using Future Me. However, this is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill blog post. So please read it until the end! (Or you might miss something!)
Some Thoughts about my Future
Because I like to write, I think I’m going to bring back True Tales Tuesdays blog posts, like the kind I used to write on my very first blog, Lorraine Reguly’s Life (which no longer exists, as I’ve turned that blog into Wording Well and have since opened a business which offers 4 different freelancing services). But I like writing, diary-style, and feel the need to document some more of my life history. After all, one day (ask me when!), I’m going to publish a series of books about my life and all that I’ve been through… from being raped when I was a virgin, to quitting school, to becoming a single mom of a half-Spanish boy, to doing drugs, to prostituting myself, to getting two university degrees, to teaching high school, to returning to prostitution and then getting involved with crack, to turning my life around after nearly dying, to opening a freelancing business, to going on the trip of a lifetime, to… well, let’s see, that’s where I’m at right now, so I am not sure how or when the series will end! My question to you: Would you like to see these types of posts here? Let me know in the comments!
How I Used Future Me to Boost My Productivity
Anyway, today I wanted to share something with you that I found helpful to me a couple of years ago, and also which is helpful to me today, in keeping my goals and productivity on track. It involves writing a letter to yourself… to your future self… using a free service called FUTURE ME.
Basically, you simply write a letter to your future self. You pick the day you want to receive an email from your present self, then write the letter, then send it off. Easy-peasy, right? I was first introduced to this site by Benny Hsu, when I took one of his courses just over two years ago. At that time, I was still suffering (although mildly) from depression, and I wanted to Get Busy Living instead of dying (the name of the course, which is now unavailable). Benny actually gave it to me because I wanted it. And, at the time, I had no money. And no credit card. I am forever indebted to the mastermind who created that 30-day email course. It changed my life. I became motivated. I had drive. I wanted to reach my goals, and made plans to do so. Then I reached them. I used FUTURE ME to help. I started writing letters to myself, knowing that I’d be disappointed in myself if I didn’t do what I said I was going to do. It worked. Almost three years ago, I wrote the following letter, which I was to receive on my mom’s 68th birthday. I got it, too! Here is the letter I sent myself:
Here is a screenshot of the email I received:
I will admit that it was kind of weird writing a letter to myself. I’ve written letters to my son, throughout the years, but never to myself! This is the first letter I ever wrote. Coincidentally, I wrote it on the same day I posted my sneak-peek post of my e-book cover for my book of short stories.
I Forgot What I Wrote in the Letter to Myself
In all honesty, I forgot what I wrote to myself. But I think that was kind of the point. 😉 I was reminded of what I wrote when the letter was delivered to me, though!
The Future Me Complied
When I opened up the letter, I was a bit shocked. I had actually met all of my goals! (Oh, happy day!) By writing them down, I became accountable to myself, and to my future self. The future me from nearly three years ago has come a long way since then, too!
What I’ve Accomplished in the Last (almost) 3 Years
I wrote and published a book, Risky Issues. I helped a blind man publish a book, too. (You can read about his journey doing so, too. Or you can read about how he inspired me to publish my book.) Currently, I’m editing his latest book, It’s Not the Cookie, It’s the Bag. It’s going to be out sometime next month (fingers crossed!), but you can learn about why Max wrote a diet book. (He was 512 pounds and is now about 250.)
I wrote another e-book, about blogging, called 20 Blog Post Must-Haves, which I give away for free on Wording Well.
I wrote a freebie that I give away here, on Laying It Out There, called 10 Stimulating Story Starts + a Bonus Short Story! (Grab yours now, if you haven’t yet!)
As I mentioned in my first letter to my future self, I started the renovations to my mom’s kitchen, and I finished them, too! (Before and after pics are posted here.) I also became a successful blogger and freelancer. And the owner (and founder) of Wording Well. I’ve been invited to participate in several expert round-up posts:
- How to Blog Productively: 16 Experts Reveal Their Secrets
- 20 Experts Reveal Their Secrets to Blog Promotion
- 16 Experts Reveal Top Advice For New Freelance Writers
- 40 Experts Unveil Their Top Blogger Outreach Strategies And Tools
- 15 Top Bloggers And Writers Reveal Their Best Writing Tool For Killer Blog Posts
- 38 Experts Reveal The Content Tools Every Blogger Needs
- 71 Awesome Tips That Will Make Your Blog Successful
- 108 Experts Ultimate Advice to New Bloggers
- 110 Top Bloggers And Entrepreneurs Share Their Most Successful Social Media Action
Because I’m also known for my blogging prowess, I was listed as one of the 42 Bloggers You Want to Meet in 2015. In addition, I was featured in The Best Copywriting and Writer Blogs to Follow. I’ve also been featured in a post that will teach you a lot about me: Let Multi-Gifted Lorraine Reguly Help YOU in 4 Different Ways! I could sit here and toot my own horn forever, but I’m not really comfortable with that.
Point is, I’ve been productive!
I’ve gained clients who love me. I’ve written for top blogs, such as Problogger, Make a Living Writing, Aha!Now, Mad Lemmings, Dear Blogger (tons of posts there, too!), Be a Freelance Writer, and many more.
I even had “His Royal Awesomeness” (as Jon Morrow, formerly of Boost Blog Traffic, now Smart Blogger, likes to be called), give me a shout-out on Twitter!
I’m On a New Journey to my Best Self
In addition to writing letters to my future self, I use positive affirmations to help me achieve my goals. In fact, I have re-vamped the ones listed in my post on Be a Freelance Writer to include my new goal of losing weight. (Originally my goal was to lose 180 pounds. I’ve lost — and kept off — a little over 55, in the last nine months!) I’m also trying to learn to speak another language, Spanish. (My son is half-Spanish, and I learned a bit from his father 26 years ago, then I took a college course in Conversational Spanish, so I already knew a bit. When I went to the Dominican Republic in February 2016, I learned more. I also met a guy while there, who may or may not turn out to be my future ex-boyfriend. LOL)
The Future Possibilities are Endless!
I do not know what the future holds, for sure, but I can honestly say that it will be filled with good things! By writing letters to myself, and becoming more productive and accountable to myself, I’ve increased my revenue, made new friends, and lived my dream. I plan on improving myself for the rest of my life, and attaining my goal of self-actualization.
Now, I’d like to know: What are YOU up to these days? Are you going to start being more accountable to YOURSELF? Are you as productive as you want to be? Are you going to do something about it, or let life pass you by? Let’s talk! Share your experiences in the comments!
Hey Lorraine; I’ve never heard of this service before. It does sound like a very useful tool. I am one of those people who has lots of conversations with himself, but even so; I occasionally have a problem meeting a deadline. It usually involves feelings of whether or not something creative like my book is good enough yet. 🙂 Some of the things I’m thinking about in the next year include participating in a blind sailing competition as its in Houston next year; creating an online summit to promote other talented blind creatives; organizing a retreat aboard a cruise ship; recording an album of cover songs probably christmas music at first; and possibly getting the argus II computer implant to improve my vision. I have been asked in interviews what I would have told my future self a year ago, two years, three year, five years, etc. My answer always is I would tell myself not to be so focused and to realize how much more ability and courage I have inside myself. Thanks for working on the book and for continuing to publicize my journey. I look forward to finding out what life has in store next for both of us. Blessings, Max
Max, that’s what’s great about using a tool like Future Me to stay on track. When you write something, you are more accountable to yourself. And you can write multiple letters!
I look forward to seeing what life has in store for both of us, too!
And publicity for you equals more publicity for me, too. (wink, wink)
I hope you do bring back True Tales. I love to read real stories about other people’s lives. It inspires me, as your life stories do. Right now, I am at the crossroads of my career. Do I want to continue trying to earn a living as a virtual assistant or do I want to be an author and write more books? As I shovel the snow today, I will give it some thought. After I have the answer, I may use Future Me. Best of luck to you in whatever you do.
Jo Ann, I loved the True Tales Tuesdays posts, too!
I liked the freedoms they offered me.
Writing and blogging are soooo different, and I’d rather write about myself than blog, but blogging pays the bills. 😉
Well, for now!
Perhaps I’ll write a bestseller. 😉
Who knows!?!
Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I’ve seen you on FB but not on my blogs for a while! Great to see you, and I wish you the best, too.