Resource Roundup #1 (and the REAL Reason for It!)

Wording Well's business card image

There are tons of resources online for bloggers, freelancers, authors, for writers of all kinds, and for business owners (solopreneurs and entrepreneurs).

I have scoured the web to find the best ones in each of these categories and published a series of posts on my business site, Wording Well.

Each resource post also contains Additional Resources (for Success)!

Here are the links to the first 6 posts in the series:

Some Resources for You (#1)

– Some Resources for You (#2)

– Some Resources for You (#3)

Some Resources for You (#4)

Some Resources for You (#5)

Some Resources for You (#6)

The REAL Reason for this Roundup

The reason I am posting this on my author site is so I can share this post to Facebook.

For some reason, some jerk complained about one of my posts to Facebook and now Facebook has deemed Wording Well to be an abusive site that goes against their community standards.

Now, I cannot post any links to any pages or posts from Wording Well to Facebook. No one can, actually. Facebook has banned my site from Facebook!

I know. I’m shaking my head in disbelief, too.

Several of my friends have defended me to Facebook and requested that the ban be lifted. I even requested that they reconsider their decision. Plus, I reported my problem to the Better Business Bureau. I actually received a response from Facebook, too. But it was a “visit the Help Center” type of generic response, which is completely useless, as there is no place to report my issue to Facebook BECAUSE A FACEBOOK DECISION IS THE ISSUE!

Yep, it’s frustrating.

However, I am still the helpful, friendly person I always was. That will never change.

So, I will continue to provide valuable content to my readers.

Count on it.

I will just have to use a few workarounds to spread my content across certain platforms.

Thank God I have two sites and can easily cross-link and cross-post!

Facebook might be a big guy in the overall scheme of things, and difficult to fight, but I am going to stand up for what I believe in and fight back!

You are worth it!

If I didn’t have an audience that counted on me, I wouldn’t fight so hard. But I know you love my valuable, helpful content, so I will keep providing you with it!

Until next time, enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Resource Roundup #1 (and the REAL Reason for It!)

  1. Charly S

    Lorraine, thank you very much for your work! I think that the resources you have carefully selected will help in my writing work. I’ve been looking for inspiration to write even more informative reviews for a long time, and your blog is a real outlet for me.


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