![Ebook Cover - Risky Issues by Lorraine Reguly](https://lorrainereguly.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/rsz_1rsz_ebook_cover_-_risky_issues_by_lorraine_reguly.png)
Risky Issues is now being sold for ONLY $2.99!
I’m also pleased to announce that Risky Issues has received a few new reviews!
Here is one from author Rachel Green (nope, she’s not the fictional character that used to be played by Jennifer Anniston on Friends, she’s a co-author of First Contact, a book I’m going to be reviewing soon!):
This novel is a quick read that attacks risky, taboo topics that are important to children in this day and age. From abuse to drugs this book runs the gambit of “risky issues” parents need to be talking to their children about. This books made it clear that it’s ok to talk about problems and you should let someone know when something bad has happened. It also touched on not judging a book by the cover because until you’ve lived in someone else’s shoes, you don’t know what they’ve experienced in their life.
Overall, I would recommend this book based on the ease of reading and the tough issues it tackles.
~taken from Amazon
Here is another from someone named Jean:
What I particularly enjoyed about this was the writing style: concise, expressive, to the point. These short stories show that the author understands the number one rule in writing a story–of any length–and that is to make the reader care about what happens next. The characters are modestly drawn but totally believable, and the basic narrative pull of wanting to see what their fates would be kept me reading. I was actually disappointed when I finished the collection as I would have gladly read more.
As others noted, there are difficult social issues touched on in these stories, and they probably would be well-suited to helping young people affected by these problems start a conversation…always a good thing.~taken from Amazon
Communication is Key
Parents, it is important to open the lines of communication about issues such as abuse, drugs, identity, and death. These are some of the toughest issues to talk about with your child… and some of the hardest subjects they can broach with YOU.
It’s up to you to make your children feel secure, to reassure them, and to let them know that you will always be there for them.
Don’t ignore them.
Help them.
Love them.
Show them you care.
Use Risky Issues to help.
Buy Risky Issues on Google Books or from Amazon – either from the USA website, or from their Australia site, or even from their United Kingdom site. Search your local site and open the doors of communication with your children about these issues today!
Great to see the reviews rolling in for your book, Lorraine! Well deserved!
Thank you so much, Christy, for agreeing! I know you gave me a wonderful review, too, and I appreciatel it as much as the others! 🙂