I suck as an Indie. I’ll admit it. Not as an author, but as a promoter.
I didn’t do a blog tour. I barely tell people about my book.
Why? I’m too busy growing my business (Wording Well) and helping my clients become authors (and doing editing too!).
Today I’m pleased to announce that Risky Issues is FINALLY available in print… thanks to my experience with working with Maxwell Ivey, a blind gentleman who is now also the Indie author of Leading You Out Of The Darkness Into The Light: A Blind Man’s Inspirational Guide to Success.
Learn more about Risky Issues.
Why It Took Me So Long To Ready Risky Issues For Printing
I hate to say this, but I’m a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to my own personal projects. This is because I always put others’ needs before my own.
Of course, I’m trying to make my own writing a priority this year, which means I have to cut out a few things from my life in other areas, as there are only 24 hours in a day!
Recently, I was hired to help a blind man, Maxwell Ivey, publish his book.
I was responsible for:
- editing his book, which included more than just simple proofreading
- working with three different people regarding the cover design (getting permission from Jenny Rollo, the original copyright owner of the photography selected by Angela McCall, getting the correct files from Angela after she designed the book cover, and corresponding with Brenda from Covers By Design, who ended up adding a tagline to the title and then formatted the cover for the print copies)
- relaying each step of the process to Max
- ensuring I had the correct files for both Amazon and CreateSpace, as his book is available at both places as well as Selz, where you can purchase a coaching package that includes a digital copy of his book
- uploading all files to each site and filling in all fields with the appropriate information
- getting a proof copy in the mail
- changing and perfecting the files
- finalizing things and then updating Max’s website pages with links to his books — and book reviews!
When I received the proof copy of Max’s book from CreateSpace, I had to make a couple of minor alterations to the text file. Coincidentally, they were similar to the ones I had to make to my own book.
After helping Max get published, I was inspired to finish my book. I made the changes and uploaded the new file.
Previously, I got caught up in the issues I was having (and am still having) regarding the 30% tax withholding rate, but after realizing that I should just finish preparing my book for printing, and worry about the taxation issue afterward, that is exactly what I did.
Plus, I wanted to move forward with submitting a copy to the Library and Archives Canada.
Physical Copy Will Become Part of Canadian Heritage
After publishing Risky Issues at the end of June 2014, I learned I had to — by law — submit a physical copy to Library and Archives Canada (I’m Canadian). Yesterday, I ordered several copies of my finalized book, so that I can finally do this.
Learn more about Legal Deposit.
Signed Copies of Risky Issues Available
Also, I plan on autographing a few and selling them… for an increased amount, of course! If you are interested in obtaining a copy for yourself, please email me at lorrainemariereguly (at) gmail.com so that we can discuss a price. The price will depend on where in the world you are and how much it will cost for me to ship a book to you.
My Current Writing Projects
Right now, I’m working on two writing projects. The first one I’ll finish will be Letters to Julian. The second one is an autobiography, currently untitled. I’ve led an interesting life, and so am sharing it with the world!
Buy My Book… and buy Max’s book, too!
I suppose I wouldn’t be much of a marketer if I didn’t ask you outright to buy my book. Obviously, I’d love it if you did. I’d also love it if you bought Max’s book, even though these are two very different types of books.
Risky Issues is a book of short stories: three fictional ones and one true one.
Max’s book is a self-improvement guide in which he shares the secrets to his success. He provides actionable steps to follow as well as exercises to complete, too. One day, I’ll do a complete review of his book. For now, feel free to check out any of the following reviews:
- the one by Rohan Chaubey: Leading You Out Of The Darkness Into The Light ~ by Maxwell Ivey Jr.
- the one by Kerry Kijewski: Book Review: Leading You Out of the Darkness Into the Light.
- the one by Fabrizio Van Marciano: One Blind Blogger, One Book, One Huge Inspiration! Meet Maxwell Ivey.
The last one listed tells you more about Max, too, like how he went from being 500+ pounds to 250 and how he started 2 businesses… all while being blind.
If a blind man can be a published author, anyone can!
Here are the book links:
My book is being sold on Amazon and CreateSpace.
Max’s book is also being sold on Amazon and CreateSpace. Of course, Max is offering autographed copies of his book, too.
One Final Request
Please remember to share this post and help us get the word out about our print books!
Hi Lorraine; so proud of you my friend. that is exactly what i tell others and remind myself do what you can today and do more or do it better tomorrow. glad you could ignore the tax issue and just finish submitting the book. so how long until its in a library there? will you be heading down to your local branch to check it out or take a photo of you with it in your hands? great post and even better job on your own work, max
Max, thanks for providing me with the inspiration to finally finish my print book. Apparently my order didn’t go through on CreateSpace’s end, even though my credit card was charged, so now I’m fighting to get my money back. This also means I have to order more books. Geez. My life is NEVER simple.
Yes, I too suck at being an Indie author. I don’t promote enough, but who has the time? If it weren’t for Tonja Bliss walking me through the process, I won’t have a print book, so I am grateful to both of you for pushing me through the process of writing and self-publishing a book. Best of luck to you!
Thanks, Jo Ann! 🙂
Not everyone can be a best-selling author. It’d be nice, though! 😉
Hey Lorraine,
Isn’t that funny that Max is your motivation to finish your book. Well I’m so happy to hear that because I’m sure that’s a fabulous feeling and a great accomplishment.
I think anyone eager to publish something should go for it. I don’t think that’s out of anyone’s reach actually. You just have to have the desire to do it.
Congratulations my friend and thanks for sharing the behind the scenes things you had to do to not only get yours out there but help Max with his.
I wish you the best of luck my dear.
Thank you, Adrienne!
It’s amazing how one person’s success can feed another’s, isn’t it? 😉
Congratulations! Sometimes help comes from least expected places.
Tossing It Out
Thanks, Arlee! You’re so right!